- Spring framework introduction
- Spring framework modules introduction
- DI and IOC introduction
- Property , Constructor ,Collection, Method ,Injection
- Auto wiring (by Type/byname/AutoDetect/constructor)
- Beans Inheritance
- AOP introduction and implementation
- JdbcTemplet with and without Spring DAO support.
- HibernateTemplet Implementation
- Spring MVC Architecture and flow Introduction
- Spring MVC Implementation
- Spring MVC Annotations(@Controller , @RequestMapping , @ModelAttribute @RequestParam ,@Pathvariable ,@InitBinder etc.
- Data Binding with Date, Collection and User-Define Type
- Spring MVC built-in validation and custom validation
- Custom property editor class
- Hibernate Architecture Introduction and configuration
- Writing Model Classes with annotation
- Hibernate Primary Key generation schemas
- CRUD Operations.
- HQL Introduction and implementation.
- Name and Native Queries.
- Introduction to Criteria and Restrictions API
- Cascade types
- Transient , Persistent and Detached Objects
- Mapping relationships(One To One , One To Many , mappedBy , Many To Many )
- Inheritance Strategies (Table per subclass, Table per class, Table per concrete class)
- Collection Integration List, Set, Map, Bag.
- Proxy Objects , Eager and Lazy Fetch Types
- First level Caching (Query level)
- Configuration of second level Caching