At Edulight, we believe in the Prime Minister’s vision of a skilled India. NSDC framework and support to help India to be skilled in different sectors will need vocational training companies to be nimble footed and content agnostic. Edulight prides itself to be a Training Platform where different content areas are trained to suit the job requirements in that local area. We believe that one is skilled to get them a job and it is the end that determines the means.
Our methodology of skilling being unique, we collaborate with the companies in the area to assess demand for skills and accordingly create courses. This provides us the unique opportunity to be a multi vocational skill training provider in the country. Our pedagogy is constant but the content areas are not driven by what we know, instead its what the market wants. This is an attempt on our side to provide our skilled resources with local jobs.
With this as our guiding philosophy, Edulight contributes in to skilling projects which are perhaps not readily available. However our resource pool being so wide, we leverage on our market connects and delivery team to assess the demand side in a particular location and provide training linked to jobs in that particular area.
Basis the demand of courses, Edulight is capable of delivering courses which may not be in the list mentioned above. Such courses can be made on the basis of market demand for jobs in that skills area and covers the range of Blue collar jobs skilling and training.